Saving Memories for your Children

Remember all those things you wrote in your child's baby album? (Or if you are like me, saved in a note on your phone.) Those things that you see every year on your Timehop Memories that make you smile. Those silly things your kids said or did. That adorable face they used to make as a toddler? Or the fake fit they threw over something un-important that you got on video.

Imagine having a small bit of those memories saved forever for your kiddo(s) to read one day in the back of an album that holds so many photos of you smiling and laughing together. A time that gave you so much joy to have your babies right there with you. That time where they gave you the biggest hugs, even if they were a little older, or the sweetest sloppiest kisses when they were small.

Imagine a letter from you telling them how much they mean to you at this moment in time. Of how many memories you'll hold close to your heart from this particular session or month or year. Hand written by you so they'll have your script with them forever!

Or that note purposefully attached to the back of their Senior wall portrait for them to find later in their life. Or, if you choose, to have them read before they leave for college. Let them know how important they are to you, even though you butt heads once in awhile. Tell them how proud you are of them for working hard and being a functioning adult in society! Maybe how much you’ll miss them at home, and not just to do their daily chores!

Let's make that a reality! I love creating something special with my clients! It's one more way to tell your kiddos how much you love and appreciate them! One more way to make your session the most meaningful in new ways! 
Wether you choose an album or a wall portrait we can make a plan to save your love note to your kiddo(s)!


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