The Mama of a Senior

Friends — HELLO!!!

Welcome back to the Adalily Blog! I decided that the best start-back-up to the blog would be to talk about my current situation.

I have a high school SENIOR…!!

For those of you who have gone through this chapter, kudos, because we aren’t even “officially” into the Senior year and it’s already been a bit of a struggle for us!
I’d just like to say “Mama’s of Seniors, I see you and I FEEL your struggle in my SOUL right now!”

Let’s start with, my baby boy is just a few months shy of being 18. Next, he’s going into his Senior year of high school. Finally, we’ve been visiting colleges and still have at least one more visit before August is done!
Next, as all Parents will say to you, my teenager is always impressing me. He’s grown into such a kind, generous, inquisitive kid that sometimes its hard for us to believe we raised him! * pats self on the back *

And here it is, the reason for the post. We had his Senior Pictures taken!
I love taking photos of my kiddos (even if you’ve heard me say its a struggle!), but this time I wanted to simply be “Mom”. We traveled to Ames to McClanahan Studios to my friend Dan for photos and I couldn’t be happier! I knew Dan would be amazing, but I also knew that he and Ethan would get along perfectly! Ethan had a blast and it shows in his photos!

Now, I AM planning to take more photos of him later in the fall and of course some at the Indianola pool to commemorate his swimming career! But these, these are everything I wanted!
And let me say again, “Mama’s of Seniors, I see you and I FEEL your struggle in my SOUL right now!” Choosing images? WHAT!? I know its hard, I’m HAPPY when you tell ME that it’s hard - but OH MY!!!

So now I speak directly to YOU, Parents of a Senior. I got it before, but now I honestly TRULY feel it! and I’m HERE for you! I want to help you through this process, and I want YOU to be the “Mom” who sits in the background, who hollers to “REALLY SMILE!”, who has to fix a tie or that hair that won’t stay down. I want you to experience this special time with all the JOY of the moment and NONE of the stress! This time in your teens life is so important for so many reasons, but the biggest one is that these images are the last ones they’ll have until they get married (yikes!). It’s a big deal!
YOUR kiddos is just as funny and entertaining and brings you just as much joy as mine does, and I want to capture that in a photograph that will make you smile every time you look at it!

We can do this Parents, we can get through this together!!


Meet the Seniors :: Cross Country


~ Avalyn :: 9 Months ~