Favorite Products

I am continually looking for new products to offer you, my amazing clients. My labs have amazing things and new ideas that blow me away! I wish I could offer you everything under the sun, but we both know that would be overwhelming for us all.

Today I wanted to highlight just a couple of products that are my favorites. I’ll almost alway point you towards one of these because I simply love their look and feel!


The first product I’m loving is these sweet Hanging Canvases. These are canvas prints hung between 2 pieces of barn wood. My lab collects Iowa barn wood to use in their production which makes it extra special! The tweed string hanger makes these prints fit perfectly into the design of your home, without being over powering or too “fancy pants”.

If you have been into the studio you know I love love my canvas prints! When these were introduced I fell instantly in love! They are the canvas texture and look that I love, but at a lower price point and a different style!


Next is in fact a canvas! THIS canvas is called Suede. Its a little more textured than a normal canvas, but let me tell you guys, I’ve been DROOLING over these forever! I finally ordered in a print for the studio and I can’t even keep it to myself!
These are currently only available to my Baby Planners, but I’m positive they’ll make their way to everyone soon enough!


Finally, Accordion Albums. They are too cute and I always will suggest them to anyone who is wanting to keep a handful of images in one place! They are perfect when you have 10 images you simply love but don’t exactly need 16x20’s of all 10! ;)

Accordion Albums are so fun to create because I love to start from scratch with every one! None of my design are ever exactly the same so they will match your images and work perfectly with your session!

Like I said at the beginning, there are so so many different products that I love, but these are my top 3! Feel free to swing by the studio if you are around town and see any and all of the things I have to offer! I know you’ll find something you can’t live without!


~ Gavin :: 3 months ~


~ The Cronin Family ~