~ Nick :: 2 years ~

This little man turned TWO recently! He’s such a ham and will give you an earful if you step out of line! Or if you don’t get his dinner plate ready quickly enough!

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His birthday party theme was TWO Infinity & Beyond! He love Buzz Lightyear, and also love to drop him. Dad say’s he’s making Buzz fly…. but we aren’t so sure he doesn’t just like to drop things!

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All little boys are superheroes! He rocks the superhero gig!

Best birthday gift ever! He will “mow” for hours if you don’t stop him, and as long as you re-fill the bubbles!

Sweet Nicholas William, I love being your Auntie and watching you grow, being two is going to be your best year yet!


~ Vivianne :: 3 years ~


~ Brett + Clare :: Married ~