~ Mr Nick :: 1 year ~

This little man is growing much too fast! As his proud Auntie I’m loving watching him grow and learn, but he’s too big!! haha!

He has just recently learned to walk really well and let me tell you, he NEVER stops! If he doesn’t have something exciting to keep him sitting he just gets up and goes!

We did lemon pics with big sister when she was little. You may have seen them in my studio! I simply can’t replace them because they are too good! Well, Nick might take Sissy’s spot on my wall! Nick, unlike his sister, did not care for lemons. Sister still doesn’t mind the sour - as you can see in the top images!

Nick is also in tears in the top because we took away his lemon to cut it in half for him. :)

Nick C 1 yr 2.jpg

Cake smashes, as you know, are one of my absolute favorite things to photograph! I love messy babies and they are all so different how they enjoy their cake!


~ Jericho :: 15 days new ~


~ Mr Grant :: 9 months ~