~ Birth Photography :: My Why ~

Birth Photography has quickly become an important puzzle piece in my business. If you have seen my social media posts you can probably tell that I love it, but you might also think “WHY does she love it?!”


I can positively tell you that the men in my life have made faces at me when I talk about it, I even have some of my girl-friends who politely nod but I can tell they wouldn’t ever do what I do!

I wanted to let you into a little piece of my WHY.

Many of you know our son, Ethan, is 12 and our daughter, Vera, is 3.5 (currently). There IS a gap and let me tell you it was NOT our plan! Without making this post a mile long, I will shortly tell you that we had some fertility issues before and in between our babies. Vera was my 7th pregnancy and was quite a surprise to us!

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I fully believe that because of this path I had to walk is the reason that I love births so very much! I love babies, I’m overly excited for expecting Mama’s and what and AMAZING process it is bringing a baby into the world!

Birth photography wasn’t on my radar until recent years. As with almost everything in our world we have “fad’s” and “styles” that come in and out of existence as the years go. Birth photography is one of these, however, I do hope it stays around for a long long time! It just wasn’t something you hired out until recently.

I have images of Ethan when he was 6 hours old and of Vera when she was almost 24 hours old. These images are more priceless to me than anything! Think about it - if your kiddo is turning 2 and you don’t get their photo taken ON their birthday its fine, they won’t change all that much in a week or even 2. Now think about that same kiddo when they were brand new, they changed DAILY for their first month or more! You simply can’t re-create 6 hour old photos like you can 2 year photos.

My photography why is simple. I want to create memories for my clients.

Being able to capture a baby being born is the most amazing experience! I love knowing that I am getting these memories for Mom and Dad and they don’t have to think about anything but their baby!

I am also able to get different angles and details to tell the entire birth story. Things that I plan ahead for, that Mom and I talk about before the birth. I never want to make anyone uncomfortable and certainly never want to be in the way of the doctor or nurses, but I try to get different angles that show that precious baby bring born.

My Birth Photography why is: Capture ALL the moments so parents, and families, can remember the amazement and joy for years to come.

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I’ll leave you with my own personal and emotional messiness. I cry — EVERY. TIME. I try not to so I don’t become a blubbering mess!

But I do, that first moment when the doctor lays the baby on Mom’s chest.

The first time Dad sticks his finger out so the baby can squeeze it.

The tears and the kiss Mom and Dad share after its all over.

If you are thinking about hiring a Birth Photographer I’ll just tell you to do it!! ;) Not only as a photographer but as a Mother! It is something you won’t regret!

You can find out more about my Birth Photography Here


~ Moreno Family ~


~ Olivia :: 5 days new ~