~ Baby Marlaina :: Birth Story ~

My friend Brigitte has been glowing since the minute she found out she was expecting! Our oldest kiddos are the same age, so I've had the pleasure of watching our kiddos grow up together! Now her and Chris get to raise a new sweet little girl! 
I am so happy we wore Chris down and he finally agreed to let me be in the room when Miss Marlaina came into the world!

I cried... but you pry already assumed I would! ;) Brigitte was a rockstar the whole time and this sweet chubby cheeked babe was totally worth the wait!!

Marlaina Birth 1.jpg
Marlaina Birth 2.jpg

Brigitte and Chris wanted me to come back to do some more posed in hospital photos (Fresh 48)  so I got a double dose of this peanut in a short time! I can't get over her rolls! She is the sweetest!!


~ Sawyer and his Crew ~


~ Dingel ~ Brody + Rachel ~