~ The Miller Family ~
I got to meet this sweet family last week! I'm so happy they gave me a call because I had a blast with them!
This face! Miss E gave us all a run for our money! She's got places to go and doesn't want to wait for anyone else to catch up! Thankfully this rocking chair made her quite content!
I love this one! Miss E has such a great giggle!
What a sweet smile!
Thank you Miller Family for spending some time with me! I loved getting to know your little peanut, she is a doll!
~~ The Miller family would like to offer YOU a deal. Book your next session with Adalily Photography and get $25 off your session fee! Just mention you saw their blog when you book! Don't worry, you are helping them out too, if 5 of their friends book a session they get a free 16x20 of their beautiful family! ~~